Kickstart | Field Service Management Solution

Software for Pool Services Business

Kickstart is the optimal choice for pool service businesses. Our intuitive software platform simplifies scheduling,  automated invoicing, and enhances overall business efficiency.

Like every industry Pool Service has
its own Challenges

Resource Allocations
Pool service businesses often experience seasonal fluctuations in demand, with peak seasons requiring increased workforce and resources. Managing these fluctuations efficiently while maintaining consistent service quality can be a challenge.
Chemical Statistics Management
Pool service technicians need to maintain proper water chemistry levels to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the pool. Monitoring and adjusting these levels manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors.
Equipment Maintenance
Pool service businesses are responsible for maintaining various pool equipment, such as pumps, filters, and heaters, to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Keeping track of equipment maintenance schedules and servicing requirements can be challenging, especially for businesses managing a large pool portfolio.
Failing to follow up
Another mistake that swimming pool water cleaning service providers make is failing to follow up with their customers. This can be a fatal mistake, as it can lead to customers feeling neglected and unimportant, ultimately taking their business elsewhere.

Overcoming Plumbing Service Challenges
with Kickstart

Flexible Workforce Management
Kickstart addresses this challenge by offering dynamic scheduling capabilities. With our system, businesses can adjust technician schedules and job assignments in real time to meet changing demands during busy seasons. This flexibility allows companies to optimize resource allocation and ensure timely service delivery.
Chemical Levels Tracking
Kickstart's water chemistry tracking features enable pool service businesses to monitor crucial data related to water quality, such as pH levels and chlorine levels, preventing issues related to chemical imbalances and ensuring optimal water conditions for customers.
Equipment Management
By tracking the quantity of products used during maintenance, businesses can ensure accurate inventory management and timely replenishment. This streamlines maintenance processes, reduces equipment downtime, and ultimately enhances business performance.
Customer Communication
Kickstart's customer communication tools enable pool service businesses to stay connected with their customers effortlessly. Automated notifications keep customers informed about service appointments and updates so they to view job details and communicate their preferences.

Run your pool service business operations with Kickstart. Manage estimates, invoices, schedules, client interactions, and CRM tasks- all in one place.