Kickstart | Field Service Management Solution

Kickstart Connector

How Kickstart is Innovating Automation in Ecommerce

Kickstart Connector bridges the gap between shopify and quickBooks Online

If you own a Shopify store and have to sync data from your store to QuickBooks Online manually, you will know how time staking the whole process is. With Kickstart integrations, you can save hundreds of hours by automating the sync between your Shopify Store and QuickBooks Online. 

How does it work?

Kickstart connector is really simple to connect. All you need is to add the connector to your Shopify store. Once you initiate the connector, it will prompt you to log into your QuickBooks Online account. Once done, you can now easily sync your historical and future data between Shopify and QuickBooks Online. 

Let us show you how easy it is to use a Kickstart Connector:

One Connector, Many Benefits

From automatic sync to manually syncing historical data up to two months old, Kickstart connector brings automation to your Shopify and QuickBooks Online needs. 

Historical Data

Two Months Old


QBO to Shopify

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